Also In This Issue

Adding Life to Years
Tulane researchers are uncovering the science behind aging and learning how to add life to additional years. Continue Reading

Throwback Commencement
When President George H.W. Bush died on Nov. 30, 2018, among all the accolades and tributes, a special memory of his connection to Tulane stood out. Continue Reading

Brian Distance: Attorney & Actor
The events of Sept. 11, 2001, prompted Brian Distance (L ’91), who was then working on Wall Street as a financial attorney, to pursue his dream career: actor. Continue Reading

Impression: Kendall & Libby Glazer
A hobby shared by sisters Kendall Glazer (SLA ’13) and Libby Glazer (SLA ’15), which began in a Tulane residence hall, has grown into a lucrative business that combines fashion with messages of positivity. Continue Reading

Impression: Debra Houry
Many doctors train to become emergency room physicians, hoping to save lives. But serving in this role for Debra Houry (M ’98, PHTM ’98) wasn’t enough. She wanted to help stop injuries before they ever happen. Continue Reading

Tulane Student Wins Oscar
Avery Siegel, a Tulane student majoring in communication with a minor in public health, can add the title “Oscar winner” to her resume. Continue Reading

We’re on It
If there is an ecosystem that is threatened, a population in peril, a subject matter unexplored, a discovery yet to be made, a cure to be found — somebody at Tulane is working on it. That’s just what we do. Continue Reading

Tulanians’ Impact
The Advocate and The Times-Picayune celebrated the tricentennial of New Orleans with series focused on events and people, including many Tulanians — from artists and writers to civic leaders, politicians and business people — who have made their mark. Continue Reading

500 (and Counting) Games Won
[Video] When Lisa Stockton took over as head coach of the Tulane University women’s basketball team back in 1994, it was never with the idea that she would become a true New Orleanian. Continue Reading

Innovation in Orbit
When Elaine Horn-Ranney (SSE ’08, ’13) and Parastoo Khoshakhlagh (SSE ’13, ’15) were pursuing their doctorates in biomedical engineering, they came up with an idea for a gel-based patch — Perf-Fix — to help physicians repair damaged eardrums without surgery. They were determined to take the technology as far as they could go. Continue Reading

Design for Change
Associate Professor of Architecture Margarita Jover recently won an international design competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for her proposal, “Vertebrando,” a reimagining of the space and use of a 1.3-mile section of elevated highway, which has bisected a historically poor and underserved community for decades. Continue Reading

Dining with Healthy Gusto
With Mardi Gras in the rearview mirror and Lent— generally appreciated even by non-Catholics — upon us in this very Catholic city, into my head popped a quirky question: What do people who eat for a living do during Lent? Continue Reading

Making the Invisible Visible
A song with simple yet powerful lyrics plays over the speakers in the galleries of the Newcomb Art Museum: You can’t keep a ray of light from creeping in your room / you can’t fix a lie from shining down the truth / I’m not invisible anymore. Musician Lynn Drury’s words sum up the essence of Newcomb Art Museum’s new exhibition in that one prevailing line — I’m not invisible anymore. Continue Reading

The Vietnam Conflict and My Path to a Tulane Education
My experience at Tulane was amazingly unique, as I saw both sides of the Vietnam War coin. I had been wounded in combat alongside tough, courageous Marines. Twenty months later, I was at Tulane among America’s elite and privileged youth, witnessing the weekly protests against the war. Looking back, each experience was equally invaluable toward my maturity. Continue Reading

Board Member Phyllis M. Taylor Donates $5 Million for Presidential Chair
The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation has committed $5 million for the funding of a Presidential Chair. Foundation chairman and president Phyllis M. Taylor (L ’66) is a member of the Board of Tulane and a graduate of Tulane Law School. Continue Reading

Rodriguez Honored as Inaugural Phillips Orthopaedics Professor
Dr. Raoul P. Rodriguez (M ’60), a foot and ankle specialist who has been with the Department of Orthopaedics since 1965, was invested as the inaugural holder of the Pierrette and John G. Phillips Professorship in Orthopaedics at the School of Medicine in November. Continue Reading

Fogelmans Establish Program for Men’s Basketball Players
Avron B. Fogelman (A&S ’62) and Wendy Mimeles Fogelman (NC ’63), previous contributors to men’s basketball, have given another $1 million to support the program. Continue Reading

Boudreauxs Give $3.5 Million for Finance, Writing Programs
Tulane’s A. B. Freeman School of Business and the School of Liberal Arts are the beneficiaries of a new $3.5 million gift from Carole B. (NC ’65) and Kenneth J. Boudreaux (B ’67). Continue Reading