
We say goodbye to Tulanians whose deaths were reported to the university during the past quarter.

Norris L. Fant (E ’42, E ’76)

Calista Rault Schneidau (NC ’44)

Julanne Rose Isaacson (NC ’45, SW ’65)

Erik F. Johnsen (B ’48)

James J. Legeai (B ’48)

Denise Reinecke (NC ’48, G ’60)

Henry E. Stern (E ’48)

Dolores Krasne Neustadt (NC ’50)

Flora Talmage Landwehr (NC ’51)

Jane Doggett (NC ’52)

Burton G. Klein (A&S ’52, L ’54)

Thomas S. Meric (A ’52)

Anton J. Stifter (A&S ’52, M ’56)

Claiborne E. Talbot Jr. (A&S ’52)

Peachy R. Gilmer Jr. (A&S ’53, M ’57)

Burton C. Bowen (A&S ’54)

Jo Ann Ferguson Sturgeon (UC ’54)

Arnold B. Alper Sr. (A&S ’55, M ’59)

Jack E. Field (G ’55, G ’57)

Hulon P. Fillingane (B ’55)

Frederic Ackerson (G ’56)

Sybil Muths Favrot (NC ’56)

Ronald J. Bertus (E ’57)

Theresa Gardner Burnes (NC ’57, G ’66)

Charles S. Davis Jr. (A&S ’57)

Virginia Lind Dekker (NC ’57)

Kenneth A. Howarth (B ’57)

Judith Lewis Lemoine (NC ’57)

Charles S. McFarland (A&S ’57)

Vincent J. Molina Jr. (M ’57)

Jacques H. Roman III (B ’57)

Elizabeth Spencer Ruppert (NC ’57)

Jay E. Tone III (B ’57)

James C. Welter (M ’58)

Mary Allen (NC ’59)

Elizabeth Holloway (NC ’59)

Patrica Dickmann Sheehan (NC ’59)

Joseph P. Drago Sr. (A&S ’60)

Lewis B. Pollak Sr. (A&S ’60)

Joseph R. Boyd Sr. (UC ’61)

Phyllis Alexander Kaplan (NC ’61)

Samuel R. Slipman (A&S ’61)

James B. Brayton (PHTM ’62, M ’66)

Jack C. Hoover (M ’62)

Dennis J. Malfer (A&S ’62)

Sidney B. Simpson Jr. (G ’62, G ’63)

Jimmy N. Dimos (L ’63)

Ronald T. Heiman (A&S ’63)

Dessouky A. Dessouky (G ’64)

David B. Tidmore (A&S ’64)

Albert C. Gordon (G ’65)

Gerald N. Springer (A&S ’65)

Daniel L. Stevenson (B ’65, L ’67)

John W. Flude Jr. (E ’66)

Deborah Hitt Lane (NC ’66)

Alvin L. Andrews (A&S ’67, L ’71)

Michael M. Kliks (G ’67)

Alfred L. Price (L ’67)

Errol V. Roberts (SW ’67)

Marsha Atwood Woods (SW ’67)

Philip T. Browne (M ’69)

Susan Tipery Deter (NC ’69)

Roger W. Green (A&S ’69)

C. M. Hawkins (PHTM ’69)

John C. Nicholson (A&S ’69, L ’72)

Anna-Katrin Sundstrom Roth (NC ’69)

John P. Sullivan Jr. (L ’69)

Olivia Hicks (SW ’70)

Julia Callaway (NC ’71)

Mary Roberts Dahlberg (SW ’71)

Randolph M. Howes (G ’71, M ’71)

Charles F. Kelley Jr. (A&S ’71)

Patricia Woodard (G ’71)

Charles A. Hunt (B ’72)

Marianne Lipscombe Marshall (NC ’72)

Harriette Clay Porter (M ’72)

Alan D. Bell (B ’73)

Roger J. Evans (G ’73)

Warren P. Miguez Jr. (L ’73)

Olive Wright Pruski (G ’73)

Janice Reinders McArdle (NC ’74)

Roland J. Witte (G ’74)

Richard L. Enfield (UC ’75)

Larry E. Turner (SW ’75)

Bruce J. Thomas II (A&S ’76, M ’80)

Helen Zurad Wetzel (NC ’76)

Rudolf B. Becker III (L ’77)

John J. Gamache (UC ’77)

David E. Wortman (G ’77)

Rosalean Palmer Conway (G ’78)

Walter Lemann III (M ’79)

John L. Schackai III (A ’80)

Trudy Breznik (G ’82, M ’87)

Brian M. Kinney (M ’82)

John E. Carroll (A&S ’83)

Michael G. Bodron Sr. (B ’84)

John J. Owens Jr. (B ’84)

Virgil M. Wheeler III (L ’84)

Danny L. Gilbert (L ’85)

Clark H. Lambdin (B ’88)

Patricia Flannery Pearce (PHTM ’89)

Nancy Selzer (L ’89)

Joel L. Pearce (L ’91)

Steven F. Rueb (B ’91)

Robert J. Benesch (E ’95)

James A. Williams (UC ’95)

Michael L. Thiele II (A ’98)

John J. Kaleba (L ’99)

Eric N. McKay (L ’01)

Trent M. Yarborough (SE ’17)

Joseph V. Fraioli (B ’19)

Leah Rosin-Pritchard (SW ’20)

Tulio R. Murillo Jr. (SoPA ’23)



SLA (School of Liberal Arts)

SSE (School of Science and Engineering)

A (School of Architecture)

B (A. B. Freeman School of Business)

L (Law School)

M (School of Medicine)

SW (School of Social Work)

PHTM (School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)

SoPA (School of Professional Advancement)

A&S (College of Arts and Sciences, the men’s liberal arts and sciences college that existed until 1994)

TC (Tulane College, the men’s liberal arts and sciences college that existed from 1994 until 2006)

NC (Newcomb College, the women’s liberal arts and sciences college that existed until 2006)

E (School of Engineering)

G (Graduate School)

UC (University College, the school for part-time adult learners. The college’s name was changed to the School of Continuing Studies in 2006.)

SCS (School of Continuing Studies, which changed its name to the School of Professional Advancement in 2017.)
