Topic: up first

Emmanuel Rotich (center), team captain, keeps up the pace for cross country team members (left) Joshua Cheruyot and (right) Moses Aloiloi. Rotich took first place in the American Athletic Conference Championship for the second year in a row on Oct. 25. This year’s race was held in New Orleans in Audubon Park.
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Cross Country Champ Pursues Architecture

Emmanuel Rotich never set out to be a competitive cross country runner, yet running was a big part of his life. Growing up in the remote village of Rift Valley, Kenya, he would run to school each morning and back home each evening. In between, he’d run home for lunch and then back to school for afternoon classes.

Puerto Rico (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
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Mental Health Experts Assist Puerto Rico

As Puerto Rico marked the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria in September, officials from Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy (DRLA) and the Traumatology Institute were on the island discussing the state of mental health post-disaster.

Quint Davis
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Tulanians’ Impact

The Advocate and The Times-Picayune celebrated the tricentennial of New Orleans with series focused on events and people, including many Tulanians — from artists and writers to civic leaders, politicians and business people — who have made their mark.

Lisa Stockton
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500 (and Counting) Games Won

[Video] When Lisa Stockton took over as head coach of the Tulane University women’s basketball team back in 1994, it was never with the idea that she would become a true New Orleanian.

Space station
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Innovation in Orbit

When Elaine Horn-Ranney (SSE ’08, ’13) and Parastoo Khoshakhlagh (SSE ’13, ’15) were pursuing their doctorates in biomedical engineering, they came up with an idea for a gel-based patch — Perf-Fix — to help physicians repair damaged eardrums without surgery. They were determined to take the technology as far as they could go.

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Design for Change

Associate Professor of Architecture Margarita Jover recently won an international design competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for her proposal, “Vertebrando,” a reimagining of the space and use of a 1.3-mile section of elevated highway, which has bisected a historically poor and underserved community for decades.

Plate of seafood
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Dining with Healthy Gusto

With Mardi Gras in the rearview mirror and Lent— generally appreciated even by non-Catholics — upon us in this very Catholic city, into my head popped a quirky question: What do people who eat for a living do during Lent?

The Life Quilt (2018), sewn together by Louise Mouton Johnson, features the names of 107 women serving life sentences. The names were compiled by Selina Anderson of the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Drama Club and hand-beaded by members of Black Masking Indian gangs. The center portrait is of lifer Mary Turner by Brandan “BMike” Odums. (Photo courtesy Newcomb Art Museum)
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Making the Invisible Visible

A song with simple yet powerful lyrics plays over the speakers in the galleries of the Newcomb Art Museum: You can’t keep a ray of light from creeping in your room / you can’t fix a lie from shining down the truth / I’m not invisible anymore. Musician Lynn Drury’s words sum up the essence of Newcomb Art Museum’s new exhibition in that one prevailing line — I’m not invisible anymore.

Vietnam medal
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The Vietnam Conflict and My Path to a Tulane Education

My experience at Tulane was amazingly unique, as I saw both sides of the Vietnam War coin. I had been wounded in combat alongside tough, courageous Marines. Twenty months later, I was at Tulane among America’s elite and privileged youth, witnessing the weekly protests against the war. Looking back, each experience was equally invaluable toward my maturity.