We’re on It

If there is an ecosystem that is threatened, a population in peril, a subject matter unexplored, a discovery yet to be made, a cure to be found — somebody at Tulane is working on it. That’s just what we do.

Tulanians’ Impact

The Advocate and The Times-Picayune celebrated the tricentennial of New Orleans with series focused on events and people, including many Tulanians — from artists and writers to civic leaders, politicians and business people — who have made their mark.

Innovation in Orbit

When Elaine Horn-Ranney (SSE ’08, ’13) and Parastoo Khoshakhlagh (SSE ’13, ’15) were pursuing their doctorates in biomedical engineering, they came up with an idea for a gel-based patch — Perf-Fix — to help physicians repair damaged eardrums without surgery. They were determined to take the technology as far as they could go.

Design for Change

Associate Professor of Architecture Margarita Jover recently won an international design competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for her proposal, “Vertebrando,” a reimagining of the space and use of a 1.3-mile section of elevated highway, which has bisected a historically poor and underserved community for decades.

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