Dining with Healthy Gusto
With Mardi Gras in the rearview mirror and Lent— generally appreciated even by non-Catholics — upon us in this very Catholic city, into my head popped a quirky question: What do people who eat for a living do during Lent?
Miriam Taylor
Making the Invisible Visible
A song with simple yet powerful lyrics plays over the speakers in the galleries of the Newcomb Art Museum: You can’t keep a ray of light from creeping in your room / you can’t fix a lie from shining down the truth / I’m not invisible anymore. Musician Lynn Drury’s words sum up the essence of Newcomb Art Museum’s new exhibition in that one prevailing line — I’m not invisible anymore.
The Vietnam Conflict and My Path to a Tulane Education
My experience at Tulane was amazingly unique, as I saw both sides of the Vietnam War coin. I had been wounded in combat alongside tough, courageous Marines. Twenty months later, I was at Tulane among America’s elite and privileged youth, witnessing the weekly protests against the war. Looking back, each experience was equally invaluable toward my maturity.
Eugene Ogozalek, A '74
Alumni Faculty Award
Peter Ricchiuti, a longtime A. B. Freeman School of Business professor, is the first recipient of the Tulane Alumni Association award that recognizes a distinguished faculty member who continually engages alumni with the university.
Chinese Students Visit
Twenty-five Chinese students from Xiangtan University in Hunan Province visited Tulane Law School in January as part of a faculty and student exchange. The visit was a result of a collaboration between Xiangtan and Tulane that established the Tulane-Yongxiong Center for International Credit Law last fall.
Skate Park Project
The national Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture named the School of Architecture’s Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design one of only four recipients of its Collaborative Practice Award for 2018–19.
The award highlights the Small Center’s 13 years of design-build projects and engagement programs, in particular the Parasite Skatepark project, a New Orleans park that officially opened in 2015 following years of efforts by local skaters to establish a recreation space.
The award highlights the Small Center’s 13 years of design-build projects and engagement programs, in particular the Parasite Skatepark project, a New Orleans park that officially opened in 2015 following years of efforts by local skaters to establish a recreation space.