Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Tulane is proud to announce the naming of the Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in honor of alumna Celia Scott Weatherhead, whose historic gift of more than $160 million is transforming our university. Her extraordinary generosity will advance world-class research, attract leading faculty, and provide life-changing opportunities for students from all backgrounds. This incredible support will solidify Tulane as a global leader in public health, empowering the next generation of researchers to tackle the biggest challenges of our time.


A new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared popular diets on both nutritional quality and environmental impact and found that the keto and paleo diets, as eaten by American adults, scored among the lowest on overall nutrition quality and were among the highest on carbon emissions.

Black Churchgoers’ Health

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Katherine Mills, associate professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, said in U.S. News and World Report, “If we meet people where they are, we may be able to have an impact on cardiovascular health in this population.” Mills co-authored a preliminary study that indicates religious beliefs of Black churchgoers in New Orleans may influence health behaviors.


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Research by Kirsten Dorans, assistant professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, suggests that a low-carb diet can help lower blood sugar levels in individuals with unmedicated diabetes and those who are at risk for prediabetes. The low-carb diet study group saw greater drops in blood sugar than the group who ate their usual diet.

Skip the Salt

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Dr. Lu Qi of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine found that people who always add extra salt to their meals have a 28% higher risk of dying prematurely compared to those who never or rarely add salt. By age 50, always adding salt could shave off 2.28 years for men and 1.5 years for women.

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