Symposium Honors the Late Tulane President Eamon Kelly

Leading up to Homecoming weekend, past, current, and future leaders of Tulane gathered for an all-day discussion of the legacy of Eamon Kelly on Nov. 3 in Dixon Recital Hall.

Tulane President Mike Fitts said, “A huge part of Tulane’s past — which has made our present and future possible — was Eamon Kelly, the renowned international scholar, acclaimed higher education leader and beloved president of Tulane from 1981 to 1998.” [See “Loss of a Leader,” Tulane, September 2017.]

Fitts noted that President Kelly was instrumental in Tulane becoming one of the nation’s leading research universities. Kelly’s work as co-founder of the Payson Graduate Program in Global Development, which he continued right up until his death last year, helped bring about lasting and transformative change in developing countries.

“This is a wonderful learning opportunity for anyone who aspires to leadership — a rare opportunity to hear some of the best remember and celebrate one of the best.”

MIKE FITTS, Tulane President

Among the participants were Charles B. Knapp, president emeritus of the University of Georgia; Yvette Jones, president/owner of the Jones Group; Martin D. Payson, former president of Warner Communications and emeritus member of the Board of Tulane; Larry Powell, Tulane professor emeritus of history; William E. Bertrand, Tulane Wisner Professor of Public Health; Ronald J. Mason, president of the University of the District of Columbia.

President Fitts made the opening remarks, calling President Kelly “my friend.” He said, “This is a wonderful learning opportunity for anyone who aspires to leadership — a rare opportunity to hear some of the best remember and celebrate one of the best.”